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Intoxicated By You_An Exposed Hearts Novel
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Intoxicated by You
An Exposed Hearts Novel
Kristin Mayer
Copyright © 2018 by Kristin Mayer
Published by K. Mayer Enterprises, INC.
Cover Design: Sommer Stein with Perfect Pear Creations
Interior Designer: JT Formatting
Editor: Jen Matera at Write Divas
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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This book is dedicated to everyone who has been part of this journey.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Epilogue – Wrecked for You
Other Books by Kristin Mayer
The last few days had been a blur. One moment, my father was alive, and the next, Drake called to tell me he’d died. I’d spoken to him only three hours before he passed. And now he would never pick up the phone again when I called.
Something had seemed off the last few times we’d spoken. Like there was something he’d wanted to tell me but hadn’t. What’s wrong? When I’d asked, he’d deflected, which only made the anxiety of what it might have been worse.
Will I ever find out?
My dad was my rock—the person I could go to with anything. And now I would never be able to ask for his advice or make furniture with him when something was on my mind.
At least I still had Drake. Together, we would find our way.
Through it all, the love of my life had been by my side. Drake had been there for me in every way imaginable. He was my soul mate.
But inside, I was numb, and my mind was a mess as I tried to process the loss of my father. It felt like I was a stranger in my own skin. And I hated that feeling. Normally, I was self-assured and ready to tackle the world. But since my dad died, I was simply lost and not sure what my next step would be.
If only my dad could guide me.
My hands trembled as I opened the letter—the last piece of communication I would receive from my dad. After the reading of his will, his lawyer had given me the letter and said Dad had brought it by a couple of weeks ago.
As I traced the familiar handwriting, my throat tightened. That afternoon, I had slipped away to the pond behind my parents’ house to read the letter by myself. The ground was thick with snow and it was bitter cold, but I didn’t care.
A slow tremor started in my hands as I prepared myself. Maybe this was the guidance I needed to keep moving forward. Maybe fate had impressed upon Dad to bring this letter to the lawyer, knowing his time here on Earth was limited. I was a firm believer that everything happened for a reason.
I slipped my finger under the flap of the envelope and opened it.
The first line drew a sob I wasn’t aware I’d been holding back.
My darling Alexa…
Dad would never say those words to me again. We’d never make any new memories ever again. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I can do this. I can read this letter.
Taking a deep breath, I focused on my dad’s words.
My darling Alexa,
You have always meant the world to me. I’ve been struggling with something that I need to tell you. I couldn’t find the words while we talked on the phone. I hope to take you to the cabin and tell you during your next visit. But if that time doesn’t come, I’ve written this letter. I have to protect my little girl.
I know you love Drake, but you need to listen to me.
Drake is not the right man for you. I know this comes as a shock, but I need you to trust me on this. As your dad, I implore you. End things with him. It will be for the best. I know this doesn’t make much sense, but I need you to do as I ask. Do this one thing for me. In time you’ll understand why. This may be the last piece of fatherly advice I can give you.
I love you, Alexa, with my whole heart.
When I reached his signature, my world imploded. My heart shattered into a million pieces, and nothing made sense.
How can I give up Drake?
How can I not listen to my dad?
Chapter One
“Answer your phone,” I whispered, peering into the window. The entire town of Skagway was in the Red Onion Saloon, celebrating Mayor Richmond’s reelection. I’d arrived in Skagway two days earlier and so far had managed to go unnoticed, which was quite a feat for such a small town. But I wasn’t going to go unnoticed today. Oh no, Teagan had insisted I meet her there to get the keys for the property I’d bought. Why she took them in the first place still perplexed me.
The real estate agent, Nancy, had driven to Ketchikan for a convention. I’d gotten a text saying she’d given the keys to Teagan. I’d never asked Teagan to get them and couldn’t get a straight answer why she had. The previous night, I texted her to say I was just going to have a locksmith come open it up for me. Magically, I got a response to meet her at the Red On
ion Saloon to get my keys.
I’d gotten the place for a song, which worried me. Something felt off about the whole situation. But things with Teagan normally did. And I needed to start cleaning up the soon-to-be clinic as soon as possible.
Inside the bar, people cheered while the mayor stood on a chair in the middle of the room. Drake was inside—I could feel it. Whenever he was near, my body came alive and excitement danced along my skin.
But I wasn’t ready to see him. I’d hoped these feelings would have disappeared over the last two years. But if my current state of awareness was any indication, they hadn’t in the slightest. Which sucked. Drake Foster was the one person I couldn’t be with. Ending things with Drake had been my father’s last request before he died.
Teagan knew this. She knew it.
Drake had probably moved on, but I’d refused to ask. If he’d found someone else, I didn’t know if I could face it. The thought caused my chest to ache. I knew at some point it would be necessary to see him. Face what I had done. But not today. Not today. I needed to get myself grounded and face other demons from my past.
Facing Drake would happen, of course. I’d returned to my small hometown to open a clinic with my friend Hollis. Well, technically, he’s Dr. Hollis Fritz. Skagway didn’t have its own doctor. For major medical crises, the injured had to be airlifted to another town with a doctor. It cost thousands of dollars after insurance; that alone could put severe financial stress on a family here. Waiting for transport delayed treatment for critical cases. And if the weather was bad enough, even airlifting wasn’t possible.
That was the reason my father had died two years ago after a logging incident. There was too much ice, and the chopper couldn’t get to my dad in time. With a focus I’d never had before, I’d gone back to college my sophomore year and buried myself in my studies to finish my nursing degree in record time.
My phone vibrated, and I crouched down lower to answer Hollis.
Hollis: Decided to come up a day early. I’ll be there later today.
Me: Want me to pick you up?
Hollis: Nah, my car is being delivered to the airport. I’ll get settled at the hotel. We can meet up tomorrow. You still going to the clinic?
Hollis had always been a bit of a loner. That was why we’d clicked two years ago. He was a trust-fund baby who wanted a break from the leisurely life of the rich and famous. Our little town of Skagway, Alaska, would provide that escape.
I hunkered down a little lower to ensure my head wasn’t visible above the windowsill.
Me: Yeah, that’s the plan. I’m currently standing on a crate outside the Red Onion trying to get Teagan to give me the keys. She’s holding them hostage.
Hollis: Umm… is that normal for Skagwayians?
That made me laugh. Hollis and Alaska were going to be an interesting combination. His mother was livid he even considered wasting his talents up here. He’d graduated first in his class. We’d met during clinical while he was working on his residency. Even though he was four years older, we’d hit it off as friends instantly.
Me: No… not really.
Hollis: Oh… well good luck with that.
Me: I need to go. My calves are starting to hurt.
Hollis: Just talk to him.
I put my phone away, not answering his text. Hollis thought I should tell Drake everything. For two months after I left, Drake had tried to contact me. Finally, I’d changed my number and moved to a different location in New York so I would be unreachable. Otherwise, I knew I’d have gone back to him.
I am such a bitch.
Drake hadn’t deserved that. He was a good guy—the best. Before the logging incident, I’d planned to spend the rest of my life with him. I’d loved him. I still loved him. But Dad had known something. He would never have led me astray.
I rang Teagan again and held the phone up to my ear. “Come on, Teagan. Pick up. I’m not in the mood to play your games today.”
Voice mail again. Damn it. I wasn’t sure why I had a soft spot for her. Her selfishness and games drove Drake nuts. But I knew it was Teagan’s way of protecting herself. Her parents had been as shitty as they came. If I had been in her spot, I hoped someone would try to help me—a true friend.
When I asked if I could stay with her, she’d been hesitant at first but then agreed. Since I arrived, though, I’d only seen her the one time when I arrived. Then she’d taken off with Donnie.
That meeting had been awkward, almost strained. I needed to find another place to stay. Maybe I’d go to the hotel.
Inside the bar, the crowd cheered. I felt like a serious creeper, standing on a shaky wooden crate with my head just above the windowsill, watching. Teagan was in the back with her boyfriend, Donnie, who had rubbed me the wrong way since day one—nearly three years ago—and rang a ten on my creep-o-meter. I’d have to walk through the whole bar just to get to her. She’s doing this on purpose. Or maybe she’s just being Teagan. The thing was, with Teagan, I never knew. With a frustrated sigh, I blew out a breath.
“Hey, Lex. Who are you spying on?”
The deep voice took me by surprise, and I jumped with a scream and fell off my perch. Pain shot through my ankle. “Ouch!”
Why me? Why?
The circumstances looked much worse than they were—an innocent situation gone terribly wrong. All I’d wanted was to avoid the man who still affected me in more ways than he should. And now that man was standing less than two feet away. My skin danced with the familiar electric current that left my head buzzing.
Be strong.
The crate had given me a nasty scrape on my calf. Damn it. It was superficial but bleeding nevertheless. I knew I shouldn’t have worn shorts that day, but the weather was unseasonably warm. I looked around to make sure no one else had heard my shriek, buying some time to pull myself together. Judging by the racket inside, I had most likely escaped additional embarrassment.
I gave another quick scan around us to make sure no one else was there. Skagway had a local gossip newsletter that went out on a weekly basis via email. The Twiner sisters ran it like world-class paparazzi. Sometimes, for red hot news, there were even special editions. They had a knack for being in the “worst” place at the “best” time.
Every. Single. Townsperson. Was. On. The. Subscription. List.
The people of Skagway enjoyed the gossip. Hell, even I read it. When my email pinged with the newsletter each week, it called like a beacon.
Jean-clad legs I was all too familiar with stepped closer. “Need a hand?”
The deep timbre of his voice still made me weak in the knees. It was deep and husky and took manly to a whole new level. Already my resolve was weakening. I would have to read my father’s letter again to reinforce my walls. I carried the note around with me in case I ever felt the need to call Drake, which was often.
The men in New York City were nothing like Drake. They were too refined, lacking the edge—the wildness—Alaska infused in the men who lived here. Drake was savagely protective, romantic, strong, and loving all wrapped up in one ridiculously hot package.
I glanced up, meeting those warm chestnut eyes I remembered all too well. His dark hair was still short like I remembered. I swallowed and said, “Drake.” My voice cracked.
Yeah, I sound nervous. Stay calm. Drake knows you. He knows you better than anyone.
I cleared my throat. “I wasn’t creeping. I was waiting for Teagan.”
“Why not come in? She’s inside with Donnie.”
That was the million-dollar question. “Umm… I… You know…” I gave up and stood. Immediately, I felt the blood trickle down my leg.
Ugh. I need to get this cleaned up.
Drake leaned against the post and crossed his right leg over his left. He was all muscle. “Let’s get you fixed up. I’ve got a first aid kit upstairs at my place. We can take the back stairs.”
I took a step back. “I’ll be fine. I can walk.”
Drake looked at my leg. “Ol’ Man Ro
oster is talking with the Twiner sisters out front. If you go that way, you’ll pass right by them.” He shook his head. “I’m sure that’ll give them something to talk about for a while. You’ll be the star of the weekly Twiner Tellings newsletter.”
His smirk caused me to take a deep breath. He knew I hated being in the newsletter. Hated it. And in the two years I’d been gone, Drake had only been in it once—for something inconsequential. I’d secretly scoured it for any news about him. Was he seeing someone? Don’t think about that. It doesn’t matter.
Lurking outside the Red Onion was not how I wanted the Twiner sisters to find out I was back in town. The rumors would be rampant. And if truth be told, now that I had him near, I wasn’t ready to be without him again.
Just a few minutes. I want to be near him for just a few more minutes. Then I’ll leave. I’ll go read the letter and remind myself why I stayed away for so long.
“Lead the way.”
Drake handed me a towel from his back pocket. When working at the bar, he always had one tucked there. “It’s clean. Hold it to your cut, and I’ll carry you. We don’t want you leaving a trail of blood up the stairs.”
Without an argument, I took the towel. Drake’s strong arms wrapped around me, and he easily picked me up.
I yelped. “It’s—”
“I don’t remember you being this jumpy.”
I clamped my mouth shut. I was a nervous wreck around him. What do I say? Any kind of explanation would only make the situation look worse than it was. “I promise I wasn’t lurking.”
“Then why not come inside to see Teagan? You nervous to see me?”
Of course, Drake was straightforward. He always had been. We’d known each other since we were babies. When I was a senior in high school, he’d stopped to help me change a flat tire on the side of the road. From there, we started hanging out. With my father’s blessing, Drake took me out on our first date. He was two years older and had wanted my father’s approval since I was still in school.